Les papiers de transfert classiques Thermal Spirit® Masters sont conçus pour être utilisés uniquement avec des copieurs thermiques.
Ce papier stencil est la norme de l'industrie depuis des années. Avec des colorants violets haute visibilité, des feuilles de pochoir anti-déchirure et un revêtement spécial pour protéger vos vêtements et vos mains, Spirit utilise uniquement les meilleurs matériaux de qualité pour produire des pochoirs clairs et nets qui durent toute votre session de tatouage.
L'utilisation d'une feuille de support est recommandée.
- Certifié Végétalien.
- Paquet de 100.
Le papier thermique comporte 4 parties.
1) La couche supérieure est blanche. C'est le calque sur lequel votre image sera transférée.
2) La deuxième couche n'est pas liée et est d'un blanc laiteux. Généralement, cette couche est jetée.
3) La troisième couche est le carbone (papier violet/bleu). En appuyant sur cette couche, le revêtement violet/bleu est transféré sur la feuille supérieure.
4) La quatrième feuille inférieure est jaune et maintient l'original en place lors de l'utilisation d'une photocopieuse à pochoir.
Nous expédions par Postes Canada et offrons la livraison gratuite partout au Canada pour toutes les commandes de plus de 200 $.
Tattoo pigment consists of two parts; the pigment and the carrier. The composition of tattoo pigment varies from brand to brand. Different ink companies use different dispersion methods and different formulas. We believe less filler the better, but that’s up to the artists preference.
Shaking your ink.
Trust us, a fully blended ink is much easier to use and will give you the correct and desired effect. If the ink is allowed to separate and solidify on the bottom of the bottle, you don’t actually get the formulated amount of pigment dispersion. This can reduce the ink’s effective saturation and opacity. When the sediment at the bottom hardens, it can be a nightmare to mix properly, then colour inconsistencies can begin to occur. To ensure your ink has been shaken fully to prevent this; compare the bottom of the bottle to the top, to ensure all pigment has been disbursed correctly. If you see a marbled effect or streaks of colour, keep on shaking.
Another way to keep your inks unspoiled and sediment free is to keep smaller bottles around, especially if it’s a colour you don’t use often. Take time and think how often a pigment gets used before you decide how much to order. Your ink is less likely to have a lot of settling if it’s not around for long. We’re a fan of small bottles. They’re easier to store, cost less, take up less space, are easy for the artist to travel with and it encourages an artist to keep their ink supply fresh and health board compliant.
Shake your inks often to prevent separation.
Wear gloves when handling open ink bottles.
Wipe down bottles after use to prevent cross contamination.
Ensure lid is tightened snugly or clicked into place after use.
Do not leave ink bottles on work you space during tattoo procedure.
Store below 30 degrees and above freezing.
Do not store in direct sunlight.
Use within 12 months of opening.
Nitty Gritty
We do our best to provide high quality images of each ink, but every device has its own resolution, so please note colours may vary from device to device. Its why we opened our retail locations.
Due to the uncertainty of ink once it leaves our stores, all ink sales are final.